Top 10 Complaints Real Estate Agents Have… About Other Real Estate Agents

The real estate industry is a tight-knit community, but pet peeves are bound to exist even in the best of businesses. I surveyed a group of agents to ask, “What is the one thing other agents do – or don’t do that aggravates you?” Here is a list of the top 10 answers. No surprise many agents had the same gripes.

  1. Not returning phone calls or emails promptly. This is one of the biggest pet peeves for real estate agents. Responding as quickly as possible when a client or another agent reaches out (especially during contract negotiations) is important. This shows that you’re responsive and take your clients’ needs seriously.
  2. Incomplete paperwork. This one was one of the most popular answers, especially when it comes to submitting an offer. Submitting an incomplete offer/contract is sloppy and discourages the listing agent from wanting to accept your client’s offer. If you are missing these details now, the other agent will lose confidence in the rest of the transaction. Make sure anything you send to another agent is complete – double-check before you submit.
  3. Lying or misrepresenting information. This is a big no-no in the real estate industry. It’s an ethical violation, and you could lose your license if you’re caught lying or misrepresenting information.
  4. Being unprofessional. This includes things like showing up late to appointments, not canceling appointments, being rude to clients or other agents, not following through on commitments, or not being responsive to inquiries (see #1 above).
  5. Not disclosing conflicts of interest. If you have a conflict of interest, disclosing it to your clients and other agents is important. This could include things like representing both the buyer and seller in a transaction (dual agency – check with your broker for approval) or having a personal relationship with one of the parties involved.
  6. Not being knowledgeable about the market. It’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest market trends and pricing. If you don’t know what you’re talking about, you could end up costing your clients (or theirs) money. This is why it’s super important to affiliate with a brokerage firm that keeps you updated on market stats and information. Following well-known real estate experts for up-to-date market details is also helpful.
  7. Not being willing to negotiate. In the real estate world, negotiation is key. If you’re unwilling to negotiate, you could miss out on a great deal for your clients. The art of negotiation is a skill that is imperative in this industry.
  8. Not collaborating with other agents. The real estate industry is a team sport. If you’re not willing to work with other agents, you will make it harder for your clients to find the perfect home. We all have the same end goal, to fulfill your clients buying and selling goals.
  9. Not being willing to go the extra mile. Going the extra mile for your clients is important in the real estate industry. This means being available to answer their questions, being flexible with your schedule, and doing whatever it takes to help them find the perfect home.
  10. Being negative. No one wants to work with a negative person. If you’re always complaining about the market or talking bad about others in your industry, your clients will start to think you’re not confident in your ability to help them achieve their goals.

These are just a few of the “complaints” real estate agents have about other real estate agents. If you can avoid these nuances, you can build a reputation as a trustworthy and professional agent and will be well on your way to a successful real estate career.

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